'söylemeyeceğim: teslim olmak istemeyen bir şehir olduğumdan değil. Kuşat beni. Asıl sebep: derin ve de serin bir piramidim ben. Içimden geç; tüm odalarıma gir ve gizli geçitlerimi öğren. Fakat sen şimdi tam da küçük bir odanın önünden geçiyorsun ki onu kapalı tutmak isterim; ve sen anlayamazsın. Bir sır var. Benim bile bilemediğim, sadece olduğunu bildiğim...'
“I will not say: that is because I am a city that does not want to surrender. Beseige me. It is because I am a deep, cool pyramid. Go through me. Pass through all my rooms and know my subterfuge. But you are passing right by the little room that I want to keep closed, and you don't see it. There is a secret. I myself do not know it, I just know it exists.”
― Hélène Cixous, The Book of Promethea
“I will not say: that is because I am a city that does not want to surrender. Beseige me. It is because I am a deep, cool pyramid. Go through me. Pass through all my rooms and know my subterfuge. But you are passing right by the little room that I want to keep closed, and you don't see it. There is a secret. I myself do not know it, I just know it exists.”
― Hélène Cixous, The Book of Promethea